How I Define PeoPle ArOund Me...?

I loved people around me whether it is to be sad or it is for happiness. A short sweet or horrible memory could help me going through the path of life. As others, I need friends, family, career, MONEY and the most is healthy life.But it is easier to get what we want if we are willing to pay the price.

1. Parents : They are lovely and pampered me in any way I am. I still need them around for big step I gain in my future.

2. Siblings : Teetttttttt ... tteeetttt, Where are you???

3. Office Mate : Liza, the person who teach me to open this Blog & crazy about staff claim.. hehehehe..
Cindy & Shareena, gossip team and chilling out. Devi, my sweet colleague. Lady Boss, too fussy. Wei Jee, sweetie tweetie. BL, UM Student. Fariz, he's fun and do a lot of talking.. ehem ehem... Huda, she bought a lovely munchies from Jakarta.. Mazrina (ex colleague), she's paranoid. :D etc.. etc..

4. Cousins : Noor Shuhada (KULL), searching a new things for better life.. Azlina, lovely and talkative, Ibu (auntie), like my MOM, Pakcu (uncle), perfume fan.. Aju & Nisha, my lovely niece.. Helmy Tariq, speak PRADA.. :D

5. Boy Friends : Some of them are JERK and some of them are wonderful. Well, irresponsible man is not my cup of tea.

6. Girl Friends : Some taking for granted and some are lovely.. Good listener is my favorite.

7. Future Hubby : Hope he will not let me down and love me sincerely. What I need is his "TIME" and pampered me as what I gained from my parents.:D AND of course MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.... will make me happier.. (if U are out there listening to me, U are my short listed)... heheheheheheh..

Whoever you are and whatever you have done, you guys are awesome.!! From you all I learned my future and capture the precious moment as a woman. Muah... muah... muahh...




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