My New Best Friend ForEver (BFF)...

Today is the day to announce that I have a new BFF...!:p
Nominated by my gossip team since a killer photo was presented yesterday.... hehehehhe.... Well friends, what can I say if she insist to be mine. Touching, touching, make us closer. hahahahaha....!! But I neva show it to my BFF, cos don't want my BFF become too excited. Later I feel want to faint. EEeuuuuwww.. JAGA u all.. I'll leave it hanging.. hahahahahahahahahah(another BFF of friend of mine)..

Naughty la u all, let us find new BFF for each of one of us.. then its fair. So, I don't mind to be KAMCHING with my BFF. Next month when we have "bubble party" again, we will seek new BFF for other teaaaaammm member... muaaahhhahahahahaha.

More and more I try to keep away from my BFF, more and more you guys keep us closer... auwww.heheheheh.. later, we see what else will happen. This is the beginning of our special friendship... and will update u the hot news from the oven!!!




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