Time tO mOve On...!

To be a success career woman is target in my life. But sometimes people won't know how hard the time we have taken without appreciation. Well, to be success doesn't mean I have to stay at one position at one place. Since, nobody appreciate and always put blame on us and do not know their own responsibility.

Should I take the blame? Should I take other people's responsibility and when its wrongly done I'm the one take all the BANG..!!!? When other people are not happy I have to considerate, when other people complained I have to justify, when I've done wrong I have to listen to the lecture, when other people done wrong.. it is because they don't have enough manpower, when I try to defend myself and justify.... I already get the punishment..!!

No suggestion can be made cos it will kill ourselves (team member). Treat other people very well but treat us like HELL!!! I mean, our whole effort and our knowledge has been shown but this is what we get?!!
I tried to be nice and accept it with OPEN HEART, yet it will be the same again.. I'm not too sensitive but just please understand that we need our "NAVIGATOR" to defend and taking care of us cos, for all people know.., no WIND, no SEA the ship is NOTHING..!!

Will see how TIME will determine our path..

I'm frustrated..!!!!!



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