What Chief Executives Really Want?.... hmmnnn

Wow... The subject of "What Chief Executives Really Want" from BusinessWeek published in Yahoo news, really attracted my eye to dig more information what are they really want for a successful enterprise.

The answers from CEOs getting from a new survey conducted by IBM's Institute for Business Value, identify "CREATIVITY" as the most important leadership competency for the successful enterprise of the future. This surprised me and make me think of not only a successful CEO but managers should have this competence criteria since the engine of the company is the internal operation as well and same important as CEOs to accomplish target aimed for the enterprise.

FYI, the creativity we are talking here is not from operational effectiveness, influence & dedication but coming from the worst economic downturn in their professional lifetimes, when managerial discipline and rigor ruled the day, this indicates a remarkable shift in attitude.

Guys, this proved that even we worked hard and show our dedication enough but not creative to justify in work evaluation, don't be surprised if we can't achieve our target and feel no appreciation and all we have done is not worth enough. Creative in any manner seems to be more important especially in talking and promotion for those who well in talking, persuading but lousy in managing their work.
But I believe positive creative ion took place for most of decision making.

CEOs are signaling a new direction. They are telling us that a world of increasing complexity will give rise to a new generation of leaders that make creativity the path forward for successful enterprises.

So, let us welcome to "creative" in our work lifestyle...



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