Kuih Bakar.... (Green in Color)

Hello, here is one more simple secret recipe from my Ibu and my favorite kuih ever... ;) But this is sweet and depend on u ols whether to reduce the sugar... I can eat all myself cos of the mix flavor. You should try! Pls put a lot of sesame seeds cos it will give you the best eating experience..

The Ingredients:

2 Eggs
Coconut Milk 1 Bowl
Sugar 1 Bowl
Pandan Leaves (Blended to get the color mix with Green Icing)
Sesame Seeds


Mix all together and blend it well (except the sesame seeds). Pour it all, put in the oven.Once it done, you will know it well.. When done, the sesame to be put on top of the Kuih...

And now ready to eat for tea time or breakfast.

Enjoy it!



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